Maintenance Plans
Do you want to keep your HVAC system at peak working condition? Would you like to pay less on your utility bills, while enjoying peace of mind that your equipment is functioning safely? The best way to accomplish that is to schedule yearly HVAC services. You can accomplish this goal by becoming a preferred maintenance customer. Get the most out of your HVAC system.
As a preferred maintenance customer you will also receive discounts on parts and labor. Being a Preferred Customer ensures that your equipment will operate at its peak efficiency. You’ll benefit with not only savings on lower utility bills, you will also save on costly repairs due to not having manufacturer recommended maintenance. Like an automobile, furnaces and air conditioners need a tune up. How often? You should get each piece of equipment checked out yearly to ensure peak efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. It will reduce the likelihood of costly, unexpected repairs and extend the life of your heating and cooling systems.

$249.95 per year
(Yearly Discount Applied)
Guaranteed Next Day Service
5% Off Repair Parts
10% Off Indoor Air Quality Products
10% Off Accessory Parts (air filters, humidifier pads, etc.)
Fall Furnace Tune-Up
Spring Air Conditioner Tune-Up
$10 Off any service call
5% Discount on Membership if Purchased Yearly

$415.20 per year
(Yearly Discount Applied)
Guaranteed Next Day Service
10% Off Repair Parts
15% Off Indoor Air Quality Products
15% Off Accessory Parts (air filters, humidifier pads, etc.)
Cleaning of All Indoor Air Quality Products.
Fall Furnace Tune-Up
Spring Air Conditioner Tune-Up
$20 off any service call
10% Discount on Membership if Purchased Yearly

$515.75 per year
(Yearly Discount Applied)
Guaranteed SAME DAY Service
15% Off Repair Parts
15% Off Indoor Air Quality Products
Replacement of Standard Accessory Parts (includes standard furnace filter and humidifier pads)
30% Off Diganostic Fee
Cleaning of All Indoor Air Quality Products.
Fall Furnace Tune-Up
Spring Air Conditioner Tune-Up
$30 off any service call
10% Discount on Membership if Purchased Yearly
Let our factory trained service technicians maintain your equipment and save you money….satisfaction guaranteed. We look forward to serving you with your future heating and cooling needs. Contact us at 435-495-2665 to speak with a friendly member of our team, and we won’t leave you waiting for an appointment.
Check out our Maintenance Saving Plans Contract by clicking onto the PDF document on the right.